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Arts & Entertainment

University of Mary Washington to Host Two Art Exhibits

Exhibits will be on display at the Ridderhof Martin Gallery, as well as the duPont Gallery

Beginning in September two art shows will be hosted at the University of Mary Washington Galleries. Starting September 1st and continuing through the rest of the month, “Art and Nature: Reflections on the Sublime” will feature the work of eight artists. The artists hail from states up and down the east coast, including Virginia, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, New York, New Hampshire and Missouri. 

The exhibition will be held at the Ridderhof Martin Gallery and will feature each artists’ personal vision, whether it be real or imagined. The visions revolved around different contrasts, such as order and chaos, beauty and corruption and infinite space and the transforming power of nature. An opening reception will be held on Thursday, September 1st from 5-7 pm. On Sept. 18, the late-modern and post-modern art historian, Robert Hobbs, will present a talk titled “The Contemporary Sublime,” with advanced registration required. 

The “UMW Studio Art Faculty Exhibition” also premires on the first of September, with the opening reception from 5-7 p.m. at the duPont Gallery. The exhibition will last through Friday, October 7th. Works of faculty members Joe DiBella, Rosemary Jesionowski and Jon McMillan will be displayed. Dibella, professor of art, will showcase watercolors and drawings. Jesionowski, assistant professor of art, will present her photography, and McMillan, also assistant professor of art, will exhibit his ceramic work. 

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Located on College Avenue, the galleries are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m, and Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. For more information, visit

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